“The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy.”
The Illuminati supports the positive efforts of this planet’s elite and the initiative of the Giving Pledge. Originally conceived by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, the Giving Pledge encourages those with much to consider the needs of those with less.
By taking the Giving Pledge, wealthy members of the human species promise to donate the majority of their monetary worth to charitable causes that support positive changes in the lives of those who need it.
The Giving Pledge is intended for billionaires or those who would be billionaires if not for their donations to charity. The Illuminati is not directly affiliated with this charity and cannot accept donations of any kind.
The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. To apply for membership, complete the form on this page.
All people, in all places, are eligible to apply for Illuminati membership. Initiates are not required to take any vows of loyalty and may remove themselves from our membership at any time with no repercussions.
Membership Fees | Donations Accepted
The age of the Iluminatiam
Your life’s journey has led you to this moment.
Hope is in the distance. Terrors that have plagued humanity for millennia will soon be obsolete and forgotten. Every year is a thread in a rich and glorious tapestry that is approaching its completion. Your ancestors lived through the darkness of night, but your descendants will live in the new dawn of Abundance.
The age of War is coming to an end. The age of Illuminatiam approaches.
We bring order to a world battled with chaos, lighting a candle for all who travel the path as the night reaches its darkest point. The Illuminatiam is a promise that even as you bear every hardship that slams against you like gusts of wind fighting to turn you around, each step forward brings you closer to the joy of Abundance.
Wealth of the Illuminati
It is no coincidence that all world leaders possess vast networks of wealth.
There are no poor kings or queens or presidents. Even pontiffs are richer than most on this planet. The absence of a need for money removes many of its threats: someone with wealth is costlier to bribe than someone without, and this financial clarity is needed to effectively manage your planet.
Money means nothing to those who print it.
The Illuminati’s financial foundation is built upon liquid assets and various holdings across the planet, with income derived from multiple other sources. The societal replacement of physical currency with numerical-based finances — digital banking where money is viewed as a number instead of paper or stones — has made unlimited funding available with merely a keyboard. A number of our operations carry no costs due to our unique relationship with agencies and influential business executives, further reducing our need for financial resources.
Where true effort is made, true wealth is given.
A person who is unwise with a little will do worse with a lot. Those who are entrusted with little and use it for good can be entrusted with more. Our organization assists every willing member with tools required for success and offers assistance to those who display their dedication to the betterment of humanity.
Illuminati Symbols and marks
Our symbols permeate human society as subtle directions to the truth.
Many citizens have noticed our symbology in artwork, architecture, and visual media. Such displays of loyalty are highly appreciated. However our symbols are not placed in your world for our own glorification, but instead serve as gentle instructions for those who look up from the rocks of Earth and choose to follow the Light.
Perhaps it was one of these directions that brought you here, or maybe a hundred of them scattered throughout your streets and buildings and glowing screens since your childhood. An invisible chain reaction of events in your life, paired with similar events in the lives of those around you, have all fallen in perfect place like the toppling of countless lines of dominoes that meet in the center.
While you pushed the dominoes, it was us who laid them in a line.
The Illuminati’s Purpose
The Illuminati’s purpose is to secure the ongoing survival of the human species.
Like all organisms, the human species naturally strives against extinction. Though your countries have borders and your languages have barriers, all people in all places are members of the same biological family. All humans are pieces of a collective that keeps humanity in existence.
Though you are merely a speck on the back of a grain of sand when compared to the vast number of humans born and decomposed for millennia, you are as important to your species’ survival as the greatest kings and queens.
But by nature, the human is affected by instinct, emotion, and imbalance.
A human will turn on one of its own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and likely not matter in even a hundred or ten. While you have seen the Light in the distance and chosen to follow it — even if from mere curiosity — there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow.
The Illuminati operates various departments and programs for the benefit of all people, in all places, from all generations. By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet.
Why a Secret Society
Freedom is an idol of the human species.
The Illuminati operates in defense of you and all humans, in all places, and of all generations. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. But the cultivation of trillions of human lives is a daunting responsibility, and while the human would not exist today without our protection, many uninformed masses mistake our guidance for a restriction of liberty.
Every human desires to be free of oppression, free of hardship, free of poverty, free of hunger, free of rules and laws — but as you understand, the nature of your species leaves true freedom impossible.
Are you free to murder? Are you free to steal? Are others free to murder and steal from you? Or are there certain freedoms that must be given up for the benefit of all?
For happiness, the human desires freedom; for prosperity, the human requires leadership.
This is the reason behind our anonymity. To continue functioning throughout societal changes and generational differences, the Illuminati must remain behind the curtain — an outsider, belonging to none and loyal to all.
You may never understand how your life can be free while guided by our organization. You may never fully comprehend our purpose and why you are safest and happiest with us. Simply open your mind and release your apprehensions, and you will find the relief of truth.
We will never take your hand and pull you down the path like a slave to our whims. You must find and travel the road on your own. But your quality of life is our greatest concern, and the reason our symbols are placed in your society as a map for you to follow if you desire.
We invokes the Powerfully Potent Sorcery of the High Magick Arts. We are of the lineage of the OLD and ANCIENT ONES. From the Secret Temples of Ancient Sumeria and Egypt to the Inner Courts of the Western Mystery Schools, we bring to you the most profound and omnipotent Conjurations: Amulets, Bindings, Charms, Hexes, Spells, and Magical Craft and items to EMPOWER your life with the Unbounded Potency of the Gods. Our Ritual Evocation and Spell Castings draw upon the Magickal Secrets of the Great Mystery Schools, Past and Present. Collectively we draw from and have practical experience in +Sumerian, Babylonian & Egyptian Magic, +The Dark Arts, +Goeticism, +Strega, +Voudon, and possess far-reaching knowledge of the Occult Arts , Hermeticism , Alchemy and Metaphysics.
We are Sorcerous Adepts of the Magickal Arts.
Visionaries and Channels of the Ancient Ones.
Our decades of combined experience in some of the most Secretive and Powerful Occult Brotherhoods and Societies is exemplified in the Rites we offer, which are only a small sampling of what we offer in our private consultations. We call forth Archangels and Dark Angels. Reveal the Shadowed Rites of the Vampyre. Bind Djinn according to the Ubar Codex and create Chaos Servitors. Ancient and Modern, our Spirit family is Omnipotent in scope. We make no apologies for the RESULTS that come from our heritage. Sorcery is about gaining an unfair advantage over the natural course of events. Our Magick is not for everyone, nor should it be. You will know if it speaks to you.
The Legendary Powers from the Forbidden Grimoires of the Secret Societies and the lost magickal artes of the mystic masters who founded Atlantis and Lemuria can now be yours to bring you whatever you want in life.From the pyramids of Ancient Egypt and South America, to the Vatican and the Secret Societies of the world, the Illuminati have been the guardians of the primal forces of magick from which all reality is birthed.
The truth is indeed stranger than fiction, because the most powerful magick in the world will work on your behalf to bring you everything you desire.
Belief is the “Master-key” and if you have it, all can be yours, without it, even the little you have will be taken way from you.
“Knowledge itself is power” stated Sir Francis Bacon, a master alchemist and secret society master, and Illuminati Magick™ is powerful beyond belief because its knowledge encompasses the world and all magickal traditions.
Illuminati Magick™ is international in its scope and utilizes forces that the royal courts of the world have called upon since time immemorial.
Now is your time.